August Newsletter
The August Newsletter has been sent out, if you don’t receive it directly to your inbox please take the time to sign up.
The August Newsletter has been sent out, if you don’t receive it directly to your inbox please take the time to sign up.
The Traffic Regulation Order for Appledram Lane South, the formal Public Consultation will run from 8/8/24 > 30/8/24 (including an extra day due to Bank Holiday).” The formal consultation should involve an advert in the local paper, notices on telegraph poles on the affected roads and on WSCC webRead More →
Apuldram Parish Meeting Newsletter for March has now been sent you can read it here. Why not sign up to receive a copy directly into your email inbox.
Appledram Lane South will be temporarily closed on 16th February 2024 to enable urgent carriageway pothole repairs to take place. Further information in included in the public notice.# 28 Day Safety Plus ROAD CLOSURE Public Notice, Church Road, Appledram
Event on 14th October
Just to let you know that due to staffing issues there will not be a parish meeting in November. A new clerk has now been appointed and the next parish meeting will be held on 11th January, the agenda will follow in due course.
“Happy and Glorious” – Apuldram Coronation celebration Sunday 14 th May. Celebrations will take place all over the country to mark this historic occasion. Apuldram Parish Meeting looks forward to welcoming as many as are able to come along to the party which will take place on 14 th May.Read More →
Please follow the link below to access the new application form for Operation Watershed Monies. Application Form Operation Watershed
Consultation Letter for Speed Reduction Please see the attached letter sent by Apuldram Centre in partnership with residents. To support this consultation please respond positively to the address at the top of the letter with your name and address. If you wish to add the reasons why you would supportRead More →
Publication of the proposed submission Chichester Local Plan 2021-2039 for consultation under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning Regulations (Local Planning) (England) 2012 The Chichester Local Plan 2021-2039 and accompanying Policies Map, Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment are published for consultation from 3rd February 2023 until 17.00Read More →