Apuldram Parish Meeting
Minutes of the Parish Meeting
held on Monday 5th December 2014
at the Education Centre Dell Quay
Present: N O’Dell, J Carter, R Chamberlain, G Pound, H Caine, F & W Burrows,
I Manning, J Roberts.
In Attendance: The Clerk, Cllr J Ridd (CDC),
Apologies: Cllr Margaret Evans (WSCC), J Pound, L & D Bagnall, H & A Cooke, F & S McCartney, J Perry & Mrs Perry.
17 -14 Apologies
Were noted as above
18-14 The Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed all those present.
19-14 Declarations of Interest.
There were none.
20-14 Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on the 1st May and the extra Ordinary Meeting held on the 23rd July 2014. .
It was resolved that the minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
21-14 Matters Arising
There were none.
22-14 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman said that he had been rather busy throughout the Parish in that he had painted the bus shelter, removed an oil drum from Harbour Way, helped re-instate a footpath, cut back brambles. He had spoken to the Foreman in charge of the works whose tractors had been leaving mud on the road and had it cleaned up, he had also put grit over the bridge across the A27.
He had attended meetings of the Consortium opposed to the Clappers Lane development.
23-14 Finance and Corporate.
a) The Clerk reported on the findings of the External Auditor which showed a correction of £4.00 against the received grant towards the precept. Everything else was considered to be in accordance with proper practices.
It was resolved to accept the findings of the Auditor
b) The Clerk reported that in his opinion there was no requirement to increase the precept demand for the year 2015-16.
It was resolved to accept the advice of the Clerk and to set the precept demand to £1800.00.
24-14 Report by Cllr J Ridd (CDC).
Cllr Ridd said that he was aware of some of the items that Cllr Evans would have brought forward had she been able to attend
WSCC had been informed that some £350m would be made available by the Highways Agency to carry out work on the full length of the A27 with very little actually coming to Chichester. He was aware that £20m had been allocated as a shared budget between WSCC and CDC but he was not aware of the delivery time.
Concern had been raised concerning the proposed MSK outsourcing contract and the way that it had been handled. WSCC had said that they now require a full impact assessment of the situation including how any contract would affect services to the community who use the hospital.
Reporting for CDC Cllr Ridd went on to say that the numbers of housing units had been increased in the Local Plan which had appeared to be a reasonable increase in and over the original stated numbers. It was felt that this would satisfy the Inspectors. He felt that the numbers should have been challenged as the majority of Chichester District is now within the National Park.
He felt that some development on a more controlled scale was desirable and that most of this could be found in from ‘windfall’ sites. Developers had been allowed to put forward their own housing figure which have exceed CDC’s. The original figure put forward by CDC was for 410 units per year which they have now increased to 435 units. Going beyond that figure would require a complete rework of other strategic issues.
25-14 Report from PCSO J McQuillan if available.
PCSO McQuillan was not available due to duty commitments.
26-14 Parish Matters
Mr Pound said that the University were to give a concert in St Pauls Church in aid of the St Mary’s Church extension fund.
27-14 Action List
Number Details Who Status
1 Traffic signs Apuldram Lane/WSCC Clerk/Chairman Ongoing
2 Waterquality & S.Water Treatment situation Clerk/Chairman Ongoing
3 Highway Rangers. Jobs for them to do Clerk/Chairman Ongoing
4 Development South of Chichester Clerk/Chairman/All Ongoing
5 Liaise with local Police etc Clerk Ongoing
6 Speed Indicator Device Clerk/A Cooke Ongoing
28-14 There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 7.10pm.
Signature: _____________________________ Date:__________________